Library Instruction (Triton College Library: Library Instruction) Capacity: 25
FOR FACULTY ONLY-Use to schedule library instruction for your classes.
- This room is to be scheduled for library instruction classes only.
- These classes must be scheduled 48 hours in advance.
- You will receive an email confirming your date(s) and time(s) have been scheduled.
- Your class is not scheduled and you cannot use the classroom until you receive this confirmation email.
- There are two Library instruction types:
- Library Instruction I-First library instruction appointment for the semester.
- Library Instruction II (follow up)-Follow up appointment. Class can use library classroom for research with no instruction class. A librarian will be on hand to help with research and answer questions. If you are scheduling library instruction II have you already had a library instruction I session? Library Instruction II appointments will be cancelled if no library instruction I has taken place or is scheduled.
The classroom has 20 computer station, but there is room for additional seating without a computer in the back of the room.
If you have any questions please reach out here or call the reference desk at x3698.
Accessible Seat/Space
Power Available
Your Booking